Tuesday, November 18, 2008

When pretending meets reality

So, there was this one time when Victor and I were playing 20-30 feet up in the large tree in my backyard. We spent a lot of time there, talking and laughing. We had tied ropes from one branch to the next, all the way around the tree, so that we could have a bit more freedom and not completely reliant on the tree for support.

One day while we were playing in the tree, we noticed that our neighbor was in the back yard and decided to play with her mind. We started moving around the trunk of the tree (remember we are 30 or so feet in the air) and pretending that we were falling. We knew where each and every branch and were having a lot of fun, thinking that we were really clever.

I was moving to my left and, grabbing for the branch in easy reach, pretended that I was falling. Only I was and so was the branch that I had grabbed. Turns out it broke when I grabbed it. I started yelling louder and grabbing for anything I could see. I fell into a large bush at the base of the tree, landing on my back with my arms and hands pinned to my chest by my knees.

Above me somewhere in the tree, I heard Victor laughing his head off. I yelled at him to get out of the tree and help me. He said, “What are you going to do, come beat me up?” He took *forever* to climb down out of the tree, laughing the whole way down. At last he helped me out of the bush and we both started laughing. Needless to say we never tried that trick again. I wonder if the neighbor lady had the last laugh that evening as she recounted the event to her husband.

Sometimes we get what we ask for, even when we don’t know we’re asking for it. At times we do things with little thought or concern then act surprised when that very action turns into something serious with devastating results. While I’m all in favor of having fun, perhaps it’s wise we choose more carefully the fun we have. I know, I know, I’m rambling again.

1 comment:

Kaylee Larsen said...

I've never heard that story before. Did that really happen? You fell out of a tree? Wow. That's pretty good, Dad. Shoot! That's where I get it from. Honestly dad, you should have shared this with me earlier; I would have understood my clumsy problems and help me understand your mental problems. :) Haha!

Love you!